The lmeresampler
package provides functionality to
perform various bootstrap processes for nested linear mixed-effects
(LMEs) models including parametric, residual, cases, wild, and REB
bootstraps. This is particularly useful for models fit with relatively
small data sets, where bootstrapping may yield more robust parameter
estimates. This vignette seeks to inform users of:
how to bootstrap hierarchical linear models with
what kinds of bootstraps are available and how they operate,
how to use the bootstrap output, and
extensions for both users and future developers of the package.
Examples of lmeresampler
functions will use hierarchical
linear models fit using jsp728
, a data set containing
information about 728 students (level-1) from 50 primary (elementary)
schools in inner London (level-2) that were part of the Junior School
Project (JSP). The data was collected by the University of Bristol
Centre for Multilevel Modeling. For more information about the
variables, see ?jsp728
We will work with vcmodA
for lme4
, and
for nlme
. Each of these two-level
models predicts mathAge11
(the student’s math score at age
11) and contains the same 3 fixed effects: mathAge8
student’s math score at age 8), gender
(the student’s
gender), and class
(the student’s father’s social class, a
factor with two levels: manual and nonmanual). They also both have a
random intercept for school
. The models are as follows:
In order to perform the bootstrap, the user must call the
function. The function contains several
required parameters for the user to specify when making the call:
: the LME model to be bootstrapped.
: a function that will compute the statistics of
interest (for example, to have the bootstrap return the fixed effects
estimates, specify .f = fixef
: a character string specifying what type of
bootstrap should be executed. Possible values are
, "residual"
, "case"
, or "reb"
. More information about each
bootstrap type
may be found in the following
: the number of bootstrap resamples to be
Additional parameters are required by specific bootstrap methods:
: a logical vector specifying whether each
level of the data set should be resampled in the cases bootstrap. The
levels should be specified from the highest level (largest cluster) of
the hierarchy to the lowest (observation-level). For example, for
students within a school, specify the school level first, then the
student level.
: an integer value specifying what kind of
REB (random effects block) bootstrap should be performed. More on what
the differences between the REB bootstrap types are may be found in
section 5 of this vignette.
: a character string specifying which
heteroscedasticity consistent covariance matrix (HCCME) estimator to use
in the Wild bootstrap. Current options include "hc2"
, the two estimators recommended by Modugno and
Giannerini (2015).
where $\boldmath{H}_i = \boldmath{X}_i \left(\boldmath{X}_i^\prime \boldmath{X}_i \right)^\prime \boldmath{X}_i^\prime$, the ith diagonal block of the orthogonal projection matrix, and $\boldmath{r}_i$ is the vector of marginal residuals for group i.
: a character string specifying which
auxillary distribution to use in the wild bootstrap. Current options
include "mammen"
, "rademacher"
, "webb"
, and "gamma"
, the
distributions outlined by Roodman et al. (2019).
The parametric bootstrap simulates bootstrap samples from the estimated distribution functions. That is, error terms and random effects are simulated from their estimated normal distributions and are combined into bootstrap samples via the fitted model equation.
# let's set .f = fixef to specify that we want only the fixed effects bootstrapped
# lme4
lmer_par_boot <- bootstrap(vcmodA, .f = fixef, type = "parametric", B = 100)
# nlme
lme_par_boot <- bootstrap(vcmodB, .f = fixef, type = "parametric", B = 100)
Let’s also take a look at the structure of the lmeresamp
objects returned by a bootstrap call.
outputRegardless of the type of bootstrap performed, the output of
will be an lmeresamp
object that
is formatted as a list of length 13. Notice that some of the objects
come from the call itself, while others are calculated for the user
using the bootstrapped values.
#> [1] "observed" "model" ".f" "replicates" "stats"
#> [6] "B" "data" "seed" "type" "call"
#> [11] "message" "warning" "error"
: the estimated values for the model
: the fitted model, formatted as the default
or lme
: the function call,
: a B
× p data frame of bootstrap values
for each of the p model
: a tibble containing the
, rep.mean
(bootstrap mean),
(bootstrap standard error), and bias
for each model parameter,
: the number of bootstrap resamples
: the data with which the model was
: a vector of randomly generated seeds that are
used by the bootstrap,
: the type of bootstrap executed,
: the call to bootstrap()
that the
: a list of length B
giving any
messages generated during refitting. An entry will be NULL
if no message was generated,
: a list of length B
giving any
warnings generated during refitting. An entry will be NULL
if no message was generated, and
: a list of length B
giving any
errors generated during refitting. An entry will be NULL
no message was generated,
Notice that the elements message
, warning
and error
allow you to eliminate any iterations that might
be problematic, such as if the model did not converge.
The cases bootstrap is a fully nonparametric bootstrap that resamples
the data with respect to the clusters in order to generate bootstrap
samples. Depending on the nature of the data, the resampling can be done
only for the higher-level cluster(s), only at the observation-level
within a cluster, or at all levels. See Van der Leeden et al. (2008) for
a nice discussion of this decision. The level(s) of the data that should
be resampled may be specified using the resample
which is a logical vector. When setting resample
the user should make sure to first specify the highest level (largest
cluster) of the hierarchy, then the lowest (observation-level). For
example, for students within a school, the school level should be
specified first, then the student level.
# lme4
# resample the schools, but not the students
lmer_case_boot <- bootstrap(vcmodA, .f = fixef, type = "case", B = 100, resample = c(TRUE, FALSE))
# nlme
# do not resample the schools, but resample the students
lme_cases_boot1 <- bootstrap(vcmodB, .f = fixef, type = "case", B = 100, resample = c(FALSE, TRUE))
# nlme
# resample both the schools and the students
lme_cases_boot2 <- bootstrap(vcmodB, .f = fixef, type = "case", B = 100, resample = c(TRUE, TRUE))
We implement the semi-parametric residual bootstrap algorithm proposed by Carpenter, Goldstein and Rasbash (2003). The algorithm is outlined below:
Obtain the parameter estimates from the fitted model and calculate the estimated error terms and EBLUPs.
Rescale the error terms and EBLUPs so that the empirical variance of these quantities is equal to estimated variance components from the model.
Sample independently with replacement from the rescaled estimated error terms and rescaled EBLUPs.
Obtain bootstrap samples by combining the samples via the fitted model equation.
Refit the model and extract the statistic(s) of interest.
Repeat steps 3-5 B
The wild bootstrap exists for various types of models, but was first
discussed in the context of hierarchical models by Modugno and
Giannerini (2015). This bootstrap makes no distribution assumptions and
allows for heteroskedasticity, which is often useful for economists. The
heteroskedasticity is accounted for using the Heteroskedasticity
Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimator (HCCME), and the two HCCMEs
explored by Modugno and Giannerini (2015) were HC2 and HC3. These can be
set in a call to bootstrap()
hccme = "hc2"
or hccme = "hc3"
. The wild
bootstrap also draws bootstrap samples for the errors from what is known
as an auxiliary distribution.
FIX THIS!! The two versions of this discussed by Modugno and
Giannerini (2015), F1 and F2, can be set in a bootstrap()
call using aux.dist = "f1"
or aux.dist = "f2"
For more information on HCCMEs and the purpose and structure of the
auxiliary distributions, please refer to Modugno and Giannerini
# lme4
lmer_wild_boot <- bootstrap(vcmodA, .f = fixef, type = "wild", hccme = "hc2", aux.dist = "mammen", B = 100)
lmer_wild_boot <- bootstrap(vcmodA, .f = fixef, type = "wild", hccme = "hc3", aux.dist = "mammen", B = 100)
# nlme
lme_wild_boot <- bootstrap(vcmodB, .f = fixef, type = "wild", hccme = "hc2", aux.dist = "rademacher", B = 100)
lme_wild_boot <- bootstrap(vcmodB, .f = fixef, type = "wild", hccme = "hc3", aux.dist = "rademacher", B = 100)
The random effects block (REB) bootstrap was outlined by Chambers and Chandra (2013) and has been developed for two-level nested linear mixed-effects (LME) models.
Consider a two-level LME of the form y = Xβ + Zb + ϵ.
The REB bootstrap algorithm (type = 0
) is as
Calculate the nonparametric residual quantities for the fitted model
Take a simple random sample with replacement of the groups and extract the corresponding elements of b̃. Denote these resampled random effects as b̃i*.
Take a random sample, with replacement, of size g from the cluster (group) ids. For each sampled cluster, draw a random sample, with replacement, of size ni from that cluster’s vector of error terms, ẽi. Denote these resampled random effects as ẽi*.
Generate bootstrap samples via the fitted model equation y = Xβ̂ + Zb̃* + ẽ*.
Refit the model and extract the statistic(s) of interest.
Repeat steps 2-4 B
Variation 1 (type = 1
): The first variation of the REB
bootstrap zero centers and rescales the residual quantities prior to
Variation 2 (type = 2
): The second variation of the REB
bootstrap scales the estimates and centers the bootstrap distributions
(i.e., adjusts for bias) after REB bootstrapping.
The newest version of lmeresampler
comes equipped with
, print()
, confint()
methods for lmeresamp
objects, all of
which follow the syntax of generic summary()
, confint()
and plot()
functions. In order for these functions to operate as necessary, the
output of the bootstrap()
function has been updated to be
an object of class lmeresamp
. See the next sections for
some examples.
functionThe syntax of the summary()
function is similar to the
default. The object to be summarized must be the object returned by the
call, an lmeresamp
#> Bootstrap type: reb1
#> Number of resamples: 100
#> term observed rep.mean se bias
#> 1 (Intercept) 14.1577509 14.1169193 0.75623089 -0.040831643
#> 2 mathAge8 0.6388895 0.6410823 0.02498667 0.002192759
#> 3 genderM -0.3571922 -0.3893118 0.35553528 -0.032119609
#> 4 classnonmanual 0.7200815 0.6891599 0.40047018 -0.030921607
#> There were 0 messages, 0 warnings, and 0 errors.
FunctionThe print()
function in lmeresampler
follows the syntax of the default print()
function. In
, print()
to return information about the
call. In addition, if the user would like to
print confidence intervals for the object, setting
ci = TRUE
in print()
will call the
function and set method = "all"
level = 0.95
. If not all of the intervals are of interest
or a different confidence level is required, it is recommended that the
user directly call confint()
on the bootstrap object.
#> Bootstrap type: reb0
#> Number of resamples: 100
#> term observed rep.mean se bias
#> 1 (Intercept) 14.1577509 14.0882635 0.75292454 -0.069487464
#> 2 mathAge8 0.6388895 0.6414523 0.02360711 0.002562835
#> 3 genderM -0.3571922 -0.2941969 0.31986516 0.062995360
#> 4 classnonmanual 0.7200815 0.6141013 0.35977584 -0.105980223
#> There were 0 messages, 0 warnings, and 0 errors.
print(lme_reb_boot2, ci = TRUE)
#> Bootstrap type: reb2
#> Number of resamples: 100
#> term observed rep.mean se bias
#> 1 beta.(Intercept) 14.1577509 14.1577509 0.77875772 0
#> 2 beta.mathAge8 0.6388895 0.6388895 0.02536965 0
#> 3 beta.genderM -0.3571922 -0.3571922 0.31886611 0
#> 4 beta.classnonmanual 0.7200815 0.7200815 0.40187632 0
#> 5 vc.(Intercept) 3.3122380 3.3122380 0.95563055 0
#> 6 vc2 19.7280582 19.7280582 1.37838838 0
#> There were 0 messages, 0 warnings, and 0 errors.
#> # A tibble: 18 × 6
#> term estimate lower upper type level
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 beta.(Intercept) 14.2 12.6 15.7 norm 0.95
#> 2 beta.mathAge8 0.639 0.589 0.689 norm 0.95
#> 3 beta.genderM -0.357 -0.982 0.268 norm 0.95
#> 4 beta.classnonmanual 0.720 -0.0676 1.51 norm 0.95
#> 5 vc.(Intercept) 3.31 1.44 5.19 norm 0.95
#> 6 vc2 19.7 17.0 22.4 norm 0.95
#> 7 beta.(Intercept) 14.2 12.6 15.8 basic 0.95
#> 8 beta.mathAge8 0.639 0.587 0.683 basic 0.95
#> 9 beta.genderM -0.357 -1.10 0.125 basic 0.95
#> 10 beta.classnonmanual 0.720 -0.129 1.47 basic 0.95
#> 11 vc.(Intercept) 3.31 1.23 4.79 basic 0.95
#> 12 vc2 19.7 17.4 22.5 basic 0.95
#> 13 beta.(Intercept) 14.2 12.5 15.7 perc 0.95
#> 14 beta.mathAge8 0.639 0.595 0.691 perc 0.95
#> 15 beta.genderM -0.357 -0.840 0.382 perc 0.95
#> 16 beta.classnonmanual 0.720 -0.0276 1.57 perc 0.95
#> 17 vc.(Intercept) 3.31 1.83 5.39 perc 0.95
#> 18 vc2 19.7 17.0 22.1 perc 0.95
FunctionSimilarly, the syntax of the confint()
resembles the default. The object for which confidence are calculated
must be the lmeresamp
object returned by the
call. The type of confidence interval may be
specified with type
, for which possible values include:
(basic bootstrap interval), "norm"
(normal bootstrap interval), "perc"
(percentile bootstrap
interval), and "all"
(all of aforementioned methods, and
the default if method
is unspecified). The level at which
the confidence interval is to be computed may be specified with
, which defaults to 0.95
# all ci types, 0.95 confidence level
#> # A tibble: 18 × 6
#> term estimate lower upper type level
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 beta.(Intercept) 14.2 12.6 15.7 norm 0.95
#> 2 beta.mathAge8 0.639 0.589 0.689 norm 0.95
#> 3 beta.genderM -0.357 -0.982 0.268 norm 0.95
#> 4 beta.classnonmanual 0.720 -0.0676 1.51 norm 0.95
#> 5 vc.(Intercept) 3.31 1.44 5.19 norm 0.95
#> 6 vc2 19.7 17.0 22.4 norm 0.95
#> 7 beta.(Intercept) 14.2 12.6 15.8 basic 0.95
#> 8 beta.mathAge8 0.639 0.587 0.683 basic 0.95
#> 9 beta.genderM -0.357 -1.10 0.125 basic 0.95
#> 10 beta.classnonmanual 0.720 -0.129 1.47 basic 0.95
#> 11 vc.(Intercept) 3.31 1.23 4.79 basic 0.95
#> 12 vc2 19.7 17.4 22.5 basic 0.95
#> 13 beta.(Intercept) 14.2 12.5 15.7 perc 0.95
#> 14 beta.mathAge8 0.639 0.595 0.691 perc 0.95
#> 15 beta.genderM -0.357 -0.840 0.382 perc 0.95
#> 16 beta.classnonmanual 0.720 -0.0276 1.57 perc 0.95
#> 17 vc.(Intercept) 3.31 1.83 5.39 perc 0.95
#> 18 vc2 19.7 17.0 22.1 perc 0.95
# 90% percentile bootstrap intervals
confint(lmer_reb_boot0, method = "perc", level= 0.90)
#> # A tibble: 12 × 6
#> term estimate lower upper type level
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 (Intercept) 14.2 13.0 15.5 norm 0.9
#> 2 mathAge8 0.639 0.597 0.675 norm 0.9
#> 3 genderM -0.357 -0.946 0.106 norm 0.9
#> 4 classnonmanual 0.720 0.234 1.42 norm 0.9
#> 5 (Intercept) 14.2 13.1 15.3 basic 0.9
#> 6 mathAge8 0.639 0.604 0.674 basic 0.9
#> 7 genderM -0.357 -0.894 0.142 basic 0.9
#> 8 classnonmanual 0.720 0.285 1.37 basic 0.9
#> 9 (Intercept) 14.2 13.1 15.2 perc 0.9
#> 10 mathAge8 0.639 0.604 0.674 perc 0.9
#> 11 genderM -0.357 -0.856 0.180 perc 0.9
#> 12 classnonmanual 0.720 0.0719 1.15 perc 0.9
functionFinally, the plot()
function creates a density plot of
bootstrap estimates for a default (the first bootstrap statistic, often
the intercept) or specified parameter. The bottom of the graph also
contains 66% and 95% percentile intervals for the covariate.
It is also possible to perform bootstraps on generalized linear mixed
models (GLMMs), or hierarchical generalized linear models. In
, GLMMs are compatible with the parametric,
cases, and residual bootstraps.
Parallelization (also known as parallel computing, parallel processing, or executing “in parallel”) is the idea of splitting a process into sub-processes that execute at the same time. This is of interest in the context of bootstrapping because bootstrapping is often both computation-heavy and time-consuming.
Using parallelization, the processes behind bootstrap()
can be executed on multiple computer cores, depending on the makeup of
the machine you are using. To check how many cores your machine has, run
. This will output the number of
cores your CPU “logically” has, which is twice more than the number of
cores it physically has. The number of logical cores is the number of
cores you may actually use when working in parallel (the more cores you
have available to you, the better!). We recommend using multiple cores
when possible, without using all/most of your CPU’s
cores, which it needs to run everything, not just your IDE
(e.g., RStudio). However, if your machine only has one core,
parallelization is neither useful nor possible.
It is important to note that while the number of cores used with parallelization will be some scalar multiple of the default number of one core used for non-parallel processing, the runtime of parallel processes will not be increased by that same scalar. That is, running a process on two cores does not yield a runtime that is twice as fast as running the same process on one core. This is because parallelization takes some overhead to split the processes, so while runtime will substantially improve, it will not correspond exactly to the number of cores being used.
There are two types of parallelization techniques: forking (also
known as multicore
) and clustering. While forking tends to
be slightly faster, it cannot be executed on Windows operating systems;
thus, we will spend our time documenting clustering, which is
system-agnostic. For more information on how to use forking with
parallelization, check out the parallel
We implement our parallel processing using Steve Weston and Rich
Calaway’s guide on jointly using doParallel
, as the code is both concise and simple enough for
those without much experience with parallelization. While
and foreach
default to
(forking) functionality when using parallel
computing on UNIX operating systems and snow
functionality on Windows systems, in order to be as explicit as
possible, we will outline our examples using clustering. For more
information on forking, please see Weston and Calaway’s guide, “Getting
Started with doParallel and foreach”.
The basic idea with clusters is that they execute tasks as a
“cluster” of computers, which means that each cluster needs to be fed in
information separately. For this reason, clustering has more overhead
than forking. Both doParallel
and foreach
what Weston and Calaway call “snow
-like functionality”,
meaning that while the clustering is done using these two packages, it
uses the syntax from snow
(a now deprecated package).
Clusters also need to be “made” and “stopped” with each call to a
loop and doParallel
, to explicitly
tell the CPU when to begin and end the parallelization.
With all of this in mind, let’s explore an example using
. Notice that we have the user implement the
parallelization with the bootstrap()
call itself, rather
than doing it within lmeresampler
itself. Thus, a modified,
parallelized, call to bootstrap()
is as follows:
numCores <- 2
cl <- makeCluster(numCores, type = "PSOCK") # make a socket cluster
doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl) # how the CPU knows to run in parallel
clusterCall(cl, function(x) .libPaths(x), .libPaths())
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "/tmp/Rtmp5Qlnzh/Rinst11c35a3358a2" "/github/workspace/pkglib"
#> [3] "/usr/local/lib/R/site-library" "/usr/lib/R/site-library"
#> [5] "/usr/lib/R/library"
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "/tmp/Rtmp5Qlnzh/Rinst11c35a3358a2" "/github/workspace/pkglib"
#> [3] "/usr/local/lib/R/site-library" "/usr/lib/R/site-library"
#> [5] "/usr/lib/R/library"
b_parallel2 <- foreach(B = rep(250, 2),
.combine = combine_lmeresamp,
.packages = c("lmeresampler", "lme4")) %dopar% {
bootstrap(vcmodA, .f = fixef, type = "parametric", B = B)
Let’s compare the runtime of the above b_parallel2
the same bootstrap run without parallelization. Note that differences in
runtime will be somewhat arbitrary for a small number of resamples (say,
100), and will become more pronounced as the number of resamples
increases (to 1000, for example), in favor of the parallelized
system.time(b_nopar <- bootstrap(vcmodA, .f = fixef, type = "parametric", B = 5000))
#> user system elapsed
#> 44.780 0.057 44.841
numCores <- 2
cl <- makeCluster(numCores, type = "PSOCK")
clusterCall(cl, function(x) .libPaths(x), .libPaths())
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "/tmp/Rtmp5Qlnzh/Rinst11c35a3358a2" "/github/workspace/pkglib"
#> [3] "/usr/local/lib/R/site-library" "/usr/lib/R/site-library"
#> [5] "/usr/lib/R/library"
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "/tmp/Rtmp5Qlnzh/Rinst11c35a3358a2" "/github/workspace/pkglib"
#> [3] "/usr/local/lib/R/site-library" "/usr/lib/R/site-library"
#> [5] "/usr/lib/R/library"
b_parallel2 <- foreach(B = rep(2500, 2),
.combine = combine_lmeresamp,
.packages = c("lmeresampler", "lme4", "purrr", "dplyr")) %dopar% {
bootstrap(vcmodA, .f = fixef, type = "parametric", B = B)
#> user system elapsed
#> 0.072 0.009 25.057
Pretty useful stuff! The above can be applied to all bootstrap types
and models fit using both lme4
and nlme
When fitting linear mixed effects models, it is common that users
need to use data with crossed effects, that is, when lower-level
observations exist in multiple factors of a higher-level. For example,
if patients (level-1) adhere strictly to one doctor (level-2), but the
doctors work for multiple hospitals (level-3), levels two and three are
crossed. It is currently possible to use lmeresampler
bootstrap a model with crossed effects with the parametric bootstrap,
however, future updates should explore adding functionality to allow
bootstrapping of crossed models for the cases, residual, wild, and REB
bootstraps. Crossed relationships need to be evaluated differently than
standard nested relationships, thus the code will need significant
modifications in its evaluation process.
Carpenter, J.R., Goldstein, H. and Rasbash, J. (2003), A novel bootstrap procedure for assessing the relationship between class size and achievement. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 52: 431-443. DOI: 10.1111/1467-9876.00415
Leeden R.., Meijer E., Busing F.M. (2008) Resampling Multilevel Models. In: Leeuw J.., Meijer E. (eds) Handbook of Multilevel Analysis. Springer, New York, NY. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-73186-5_11
Modugno, Lucia and Giannerini, Simone, “The Wild Bootstrap for Multilevel Models,” Communications in Statistics — Theory and Methods 44, no. 22 (2015): 4812–25,
Raymond Chambers & Hukum Chandra (2013) A Random Effect Block Bootstrap for Clustered Data, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 22:2, 452-470, DOI: 10.1080/10618600.2012.681216
Microsoft Corporation and Steve Weston (2020). doParallel: Foreach Parallel Adaptor for the ‘parallel’ Package. R package version 1.0.16.
Roodman, D., Nielsen, M. Ø., MacKinnon, J. G., & Webb, M. D. (2019). Fast and wild: Bootstrap inference in Stata using boottest. The Stata Journal, 19(1), 4–60.